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What To Do On A Rainy Day in San Diego

‘Winter’ in San Diego can mean days of hot coffee and days of iced coffee.  We are lucky enough to live in San Diego, California, quite appropriately dubbed ‘America’s Finest City”, and anyone that has visited Pacific Beach will tell you that this place has certainly earned its name.  We have days that are ‘wintery’ and I put that in quotes because those in other parts of the country would only dream of such days during this time of year.  Still, call us soft, but the truth is, we have days that are cold, wet, and windy this time of year.  What better way to get through those atypical San Diego days than with a hot cup of coffee from the best coffee shop in the city? There is no better way to fight those winter weather blues than with a visit to Glazed Coffee & Creamery.  A steaming hot cup of delicious coffee can be customized to your liking with a variety of milk options including oat, soy, coconut, and almond as well as flavors to please your palate such as vanilla, caramel, matcha, hazelnut, and horchata.  Personally, I recommend the oat milk latte with a pump of caramel.  There’s nothing better to warm up with on a rainy day.  While there, turn around and take a look at the magnificent Pacific Ocean and the waves crashing on the shore.  Windy and rainy days are a great time to check out the waves!  You may even spot some skilled surfers taking advantage of the challenging conditions.


Now, if you’ve lived in San Diego long enough, you’ll know that those cold wintery days are short lived, and in the middle of winter, we could likely be gifted with some fabulous 80 degree weather days smack in the middle of February!  Time to pull off the hoodie and put on those flip flops!  Walk yourself over to Glazed Coffee & Creamery and trade in your usual hot coffee order for a refreshing iced coffee!  You’ll be glad you did when you quickly realize you can sip your cup while watching the sand and sea.  Grab a delicious stuffed egg sandwich, also known as the Beach Bomb, while you’re at it so you can get caffeinated and fueled up all while you get your daily dose of Vitamin Sea.